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WordPress is the best CMS for SEO

Why is WordPress the Best CMS for SEO ?

While there have been so many new uses of internet developed over the years, its primary purpose still remains to provide information. Search engines remain as the number one source for getting maximum online traffic. A page that is ranked highly in the search engine rankings can get thousands of visitors.

For this reason search engine optimization or SEO is very important for website owners. They take professional help to make their websites get the number one ranking on search engines. There are several aspects related to SEO and that will require in-depth explanations.


Content Management System (CMS)

As can be understood CMS is a very important part of SEO. WordPress is a medium or platform to put forth the content of the website in the right manner. Whether it is the best or not, is yet to be seen. Most WordPress users argue that it is in fact the best CMS for SEO because of the features that it provides along with the ease of use. Here are the features that make WordPress the best CMS for SEO:


WordPress Features

SEO Friendly

WordPress is SEO friendly right from the word go. There are so many important elements of on-page SEO which the platform takes care of quite easily. The basic features that it provides give you an upper hand when you are optimizing your website. These features include:

  • Proper HTML markup: The HTML pages created by WordPress, though being written in PHP are easily understandable by the search engines. This is in contrast to the other platforms that do not make the process of creating HTML as easily as WordPress.
  • SEO friendly Permalinks: One of the important requisites of SEO is to have the proper usage of the keywords. WordPress provides the ability to use the permalinks which means that the links can have keywords in them enabling the visitors as well as the search engines to understand what they are about.
  • Title tag and headings: There is no need to write the necessary HTML tags for setting up the title and headings with WordPress. It allows you to give the title of the page, which is an important part of the on-page SEO easily. The title tells the search engines what the content is about.
  • Create content easily: There is no denying the fact that content is the number one reason that can take a website to the top of the search engine rankings. WordPress enables you to create high quality content easily and you feel as if you are working on a word processor. In addition to the content, it also allows insertion of multimedia content like images and videos, easily.
  • Images can be optimized: WordPress not only allows you to add images and videos but it also lets you optimize them further with descriptions, ALT tags and more.

SEO Optimized Themes

You can even change the way your website is going to look because it offers SEO optimized themes. Whether you are looking forward to create a business website or an online shop, WordPress will make the job easy. There is generally a theme available for different industries and purposes. The aspect of technical SEO is very well handled by the high quality themes offered by WordPress.


SEO Plugins

The platform is considered the best CMS for the several features that it provides and a heap of plugins are a part of these features. There are several plugins offered by WordPress and the most used and popular ones are Yoast SEO and All-in-One SEO Pack. These and other plugins help in making your site look and feel better and be more effective. You can improve the images, content and even integrate your website with external tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.


Quick Loading Websites with WordPress

One of the most irritating things about certain websites is the time that they take to load. Users do not have the patience to wait for a long time and let the website load. If the website is not loaded in the initial few seconds, the user will move on to the next best website. Therefore, quick loading of websites is very necessary and this is easily possible with WordPress.

If you are using the platform in the right manner, quick loading website is a reality. You can further speed up the process of loading by using a high quality theme and good hosting.


Optimized for the Mobile

Internet enabled mobile devices are used more than the desktops or laptops. For this reason, it is essential that websites are optimized for the mobile. Even search engines like Google consider mobile friendliness as criteria for ranking of websites. In fact if you are searching something on your phone using Google, only those sites will appear that are mobile friendly. WordPress lets you create mobile optimized websites by using plugins like Jetpack.


Top Class Security

Security of the website is the prime concern of its owner. Even though the website owner might not have any malicious intent, it is the unscrupulous and unauthorized personnel that can hack vulnerable websites and make them face music from Google. WordPress as a CMS is very secure and it offers several security features plus the security plugins to make the websites created on it, more secure. Any security updates received by the platform are duly applied automatically.


Social Media and Community Support

Social media platforms too, help you get traffic to your website. Therefore their importance cannot be undermined. WordPress offers social media support through solutions like SumoMe and Jetpack sharing. If your website or its content is shared on social media platforms, search engines will take note of it and make your website appear higher on the rankings. You have community support in the form of forums where you can put forth your problems and get relevant solutions.


User Friendly

Lastly, user friendliness is what makes WordPress an ideal CMS for SEO. It is simple to use and you do not even need the help of the specialists. There is no requirement of knowing the coding language as you can easily achieve all that you require for SEO easily with the WordPress Editor.



WordPress is an ideal platform to create search engine optimized websites, easily. With extensive SEO capabilities, features, themes and community support, it is the perfect CMS.

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Author : Nirdesh Singh

Nirdesh Singh has 10 years of experience in IT sector. Fashionbuzzer.com and wpfixs.com are in-house products of his company. He has researched upon various Business ideologies and methodologies which has enhanced his expertise and credibility in this arena.  He loves to write and share about technology, startups and business very often related to his business

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